If you don't like where you are, move.

You are not a tree. 

Is NLP for me? 

Language is a powerful tool that can help you access results when used in the right way to suit your needs. NLP as a tool for identifying your desired outcomes, your values and how they drive your purpose and often the key factor is that as great as the goals are they are driven by competing interests. NLP will uncover the missing strategy, the limiting beliefs (stories) and we will use linguistics to identify your state patterns. It is incredibly diverse and powerful how NLP assists and supports personal development.

How specifically can I help you as an individual? 
Make shifts in your physical, emotional, spiritual or financial well being Get 'unstuck' and move the roadblocks 
  • Develop higher levels of self confidence
  • Help you create balance
  • Help you create clarity 
  • Help you define your vision
  • I will help you ask yourself better questions, get clear and then we will use techniques to help you create strategies and I will hold you accountable. 
Which area of life is getting less attention than you like? Which goals do you feel 'stuck' with progression towards? Do you feel held back? Would you like more out of an area of your life? Do you feel that you relive the same destructive patterns? Or perhaps even seem to attract the negative people or circumstances? Finding the answers to move you forward all comes from asking the right questions.

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Personal Breakthrough

Do you feel stuck? The techniques are essential for the person who feels ‘stuck’ and is unable to ‘move forward’ in a specific area or with a specific goal. It may be that the term ‘breakthrough’, feels appropriate here, especially if ‘moving forward’ or ‘progress’ feels difficult or even, impossible. If the level of frustration you are feeling is becoming is increasing or you have considered ‘giving up’ rather than using a new strategy, then NLP is a strategy to assist your breakthrough.
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What is a Story?

Do you believe it is possible for you? Sometimes we started many times and found frustration instead of achievements came as our result. We may start to believe what we wanted is not possible for us personally. If you are trying to lose weight or get healthy, but have no belief that you can achieve it, the current plan is irrelevant as you already decided at a subconscious level that the plan will not work. Remember the RAS (Reticular Activating System) we see what we are tuned into? The right mind food is just as important as the right body food.  
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We all know the importance of good communication. We have all been on a course or watched a Ted Talk and we do it ALL THE TIME! So, we are EXPERTS, right?! Well … yes and no…, mainly - no. Talk for humans is distinctly different than any basic communication we see in animals. Talk in humans is layered, highly stylised (individual), capable of discussing theoretical ideas, ideas in the past, present, future, builds on the immediate and historical content and in so doing promotes the future options. Language is alive, more languages have died and are dying than most people know exist. But probably the most important factor to consider here is the way we are unaware of that extra layer of communication that is conveyed by personal nuances. It is a fascinating and complex realm of magic! Stripping it right back, you talk to yourself and others in a way that communicates and consolidates your own deepest values about yourself and the world around you. If you ever found that ‘fake it until you make it’ didn’t work for you then it is possible that was because whilst you were trying to fake it, your communications betrayed you didn’t believe it. 
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